Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Volunteerism is Essential on College Applications

While college admissions officers focus heavily on students’ grades and SAT scores, they also take a careful look at their history of volunteerism. Colleges offer such a wide range of volunteer opportunities, both on and off campus, that they look favorably on applicants who will likely become actively engaged.  

The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at Rutgers University, for example, hosts more than 500 student organizations. It offers students limitless opportunities to serve others, both nationally and internationally, through “Rutgers Alternative Breaks” service trips.


The College of New Jersey offers between 50 to 100 percent tuition scholarships to more than 80 students who make a substantial commitment to volunteerism by becoming Bonner Community Scholars.  These students choose to focus on a particular area of service and provide 300 hours of meaningful volunteerism over the course of a year, combining service with their academic experiences.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Composing a Compelling Resume for College Apps

As students enter a new calendar year, thinking back on prior accomplishments and planning new ones for the year ahead, there’s an important task to undertake: compose a resume.  That’s the best way for students to assess their achievements and identify the gaps that need to be filled in before the time arrives to file college applications.   

The best time to first compose a resume is early in one’s high school years. Resume categories typically include: Education (listing G.P.A., SAT scores, A.P. courses, and other academic accomplishments such as summer courses taken on college campuses), Athletic accolades, Volunteer activities, Work experience, Extracurricular involvement, and, hopefully, details of a “passion project” where you are engaged in an activity that demonstrates a talent or interest not common among your peers which will ultimately help you stand out to college admissions officers.


Not every student needs to feature each category on a resume.  Athletes, musicians, and others involved in a time-consuming activity may not have the opportunity to take on a paid job.  Students with after-school family or work responsibilities may not have the liberty of being engaged in extracurricular activities.  But all students should be able to account for how they spend their out-of-school hours – hopefully developing a passion or talent that colleges will want them to bring to their campus.

Monday, December 19, 2022

The New Format PSAT and SAT Exam Release Details

Students preparing for the SAT exam have seven opportunities to take the current test in 2023: March, May, June, August, October, November, and December. Then, in March of 2024, a brand new test with a totally different format will be launched.  

College Board is once again revamping the SAT exam, which was first administered in 1926 and has undergone many revisions through the years. The change is big news to the nearly three million students who take the SAT each year at some seven thousand test centers in more than 170 countries.


The newly formatted test will first be introduced at international test sites in 2023, before launching at U.S. test sites in March of 2024.  The most significant changes are its format, which will switch from paper to digital, and its length, which will shrink from three hours of testing material to two hours. The new test will also reduce the length of reading passages and allow for the use of a calculator on all, rather than just some, of the math problems.

Monday, December 12, 2022

What Colleges Are Accepting Local Students?

When discussing colleges, everyone seems to know the names of the Ivy League schools – Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale – but are local students actually getting accepted to these prestigious institutions? 

Yes, but the competition is fierce, according to data posted on the website of Montgomery High School.  Between the years 2016-2020, Montgomery High School students have been accepted to every Ivy League school. At Princeton, 13 of 214 applicants were accepted; at Harvard, 2 of 81 applicants were accepted; at Columbia it was 8 of 148; at Yale it was 8 of 84; at Dartmouth it was 5 of 77; at Cornell it was 27 of 269; and at Brown it was 3 of 127.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Most Regretted & Least Regretted College Majors

Almost half of all job seekers with college degrees regret their field of study.  That’s the news from a recent “Personal Finance” report on CNBC.  The most regretted college majors are reportedly Journalism, Sociology, Liberal Arts/General Studies, Communications, Education, Marketing Management & Research, Medical/Clinical Assisting, Political Science & Government, Biology, and English Language & Literature. Between 87% (for Journalism) and 52% (for English Language & Literature) of graduates with these majors reportedly said they would choose a different one if they had it all to do over.  Statistics were cited from a ZipRecruiter’s survey.

While students may have a passion for these fields while in college, reality often sets in after graduation when they seek well-paying jobs to launch independent lives and cover their living expenses.  According to CNBC, most graduates who regret their choice of major say they would choose Computer Science or Business Administration if they were making the decision today. The main reason is the large discrepancy in salary.  With an average starting salary of almost $100,000, Computer Science majors were reportedly the happiest overall.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Strategies for Writing Effective College Essay

Most high school students who are applying to college start out by completing The Common Application that is accepted by more than 900 colleges.  It requires one essay, and students can choose from a variety of topics or one of their own creation.  

A recent article in U.S. News & World Report offered essay writing advice from college admissions experts to help students get started on this somewhat intimidating task.  “Students should narrow their focus and write about a specific experience, hobby or quirk that reveals something personal, like how they think, what they value, or what their strengths are,” according to an admissions expert. 


“Many memorable essays focus on ordinary topics, including fly-fishing, a student’s commute to and from school, and a family’s dinner conversations,” added another counselor. Additional writing tips emphasize the importance of being concise, coherent, congenial, honest, and accurate.


Unlike SAT scores and high school transcripts, the essay offers students a chance to showcase their personality and share with admissions officers anything they would particularly like them to know.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Students Get a Second Chance at “Early Decision”

Students who are anxiously waiting to hear, within the next few weeks, from their Early Decision college, should have a back-up plan.  If they end up being turned down or waitlisted, all hope is not lost. They still have another option, which could bring them exciting news and get them off the college application merry-go-round, early in the new year. 

Many colleges offer Early Decision II, with a January application deadline and notification in February – close to two months prior to the typical April 1st college response date. The main advantage of applying early decision is that colleges usually accept a much higher percentage of applicants. Because early decision is binding, colleges know that any student they accept will definitely attend – increasing their “yield” (percentage of accepted students who enroll). For example, the latest early decision acceptance rates, according to U.S. News and World Report, are 87% at American University, 79% at The College of New Jersey, and 65% at University of Miami. The overall acceptance rate at these same schools is, respectively, 64%, 62%, and 28%.


The main downfall of applying early decision is the fact that it is binding, preventing students from comparing different financial aid packages that they might receive from different colleges.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Strategies to Get Accepted to Colleges of Choice

The best way to get “Your Accepted” letters is to present yourself as an ideal candidate for each college to which you apply.  If you’re a legacy, let them know.  Many colleges, including all eight Ivy League institutions, favor applicants whose parents are alumni.  If you are the first in your family to seek a college education, let them know.  Most colleges favor students whose parents are not college educated.  


If your family can afford to pay the full sticker price and not seek financial aid, let them know.  Some colleges are “need blind,” and admit students regardless of whether or not they are applying for financial aid.  Other colleges are “need-aware” or “need-sensitive,” and may consider financial need when deciding whether or not to admit an applicant.  This category includes Bryn Mawr, Clemson, Northeastern and Tufts.  


Aside from the factors outside of your control, there are several things that you can do to help your applications stand out.  The first is to develop leadership skills, and then emphasize these skills on college applications. Graduates of elite universities often talk about having started a club during their high school years, having initiated a community event, or having launched a non-profit in some area of passion. They believe these leadership experiences helped to secure their acceptances to the nation’s top colleges and universities.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Five Key Strategies to Save Thousands on College

When talking about college debt, the statistics are never encouraging. In fact, the story gets sadder each year.  Statistics for 2022, according to Forbes, indicate that 45 million Americans have student loans that collectively total $1.7 trillion in education debt. The key to avoid being part of this grim statistic is to consider some highly effective strategies.

1) When choosing potential colleges, students should not necessarily reach for the stars – unless it’s to a college with an impressive endowment. When students apply to colleges a tier below the level where they would likely get accepted, the scholarship money is almost always much greater.  Students planning to major in business, for example, often identify NYU’s Stern School of Business where the cost hovers around $75,000 a year. These same students could reasonably expect to be welcomed at St. John’s University in New York, Drexel and St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, and a host of other institutions with impressive business schools, substantially lower costs of attendance, and generous merit money (to attract strong students) which does not get paid back.

Monday, October 24, 2022

The Most Beautiful College Campuses in the Country

If you want to live in one of the most beautiful places in the country, why not do so during your college years? There are college campuses that are waterfront (Eckerd College in Florida, Texas A&M, University of Hawaii at Manoa with a view of Diamond Head), others that are nestled in mountain ranges (Washington and Lee University in Virginia, University of North Carolina – Ashville, Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, Bates College in Maine), and still others that are center stage in the midst of thriving urban environments (New York University, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, University of Southern California in Los Angeles, Georgetown in our nation’s capital). 

Although beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, there are some college campuses that are universally considered to be among the most attractive in the country.  Princeton University in Central New Jersey, the fourth oldest university in the country, is typically on every list of stunning college campuses due in part to its Gothic architecture.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Top 5 Mistakes Parents Make in College App Process

Parents walk a fine line when it comes to their children and college applications.  Getting too involved will earn the title of “helicopter parent,” and give your child the impression that you doubt his/her abilities. Leaving everything to the student and hoping for the best – well that’s quite risky! There are ways parents can help, as well as common mistakes they should seek to avoid. 

Avoid overestimating your child’s chances of admission.  Utilize Naviance, which provides data on the GPA and SAT scores of students from your child’s high school who previously applied to a particular college, as well as the outcome of their application: accepted, rejected, or waitlisted. Your child is in competition with peers from the same high school, so the writing is pretty much on the wall as to whether or not your child has a solid chance of gaining acceptance to any particular school.


Avoid pushing your child to apply to a long list of schools. Many colleges require several supplemental essays, particularly for admission to the honors program. Penn State, for example, requires two long essays (up to 800 words) and eight short essays (up to 200 words) of applicants to its Schreyer Honors College. This can quickly become an overwhelming task. Help your child identify “best fit” colleges where they would be excited to attend (and likely to gain admission) and let them focus on submitting a limited number of strong applications.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

October Action Steps in the College Prep Process

October is crunch time for college-bound students who want to reap the benefits of meeting early application deadlines.

There’s a gamut of popular colleges that offer November 1st as an Early Action deadline. If students submit their applications by this date, colleges will get back to them early – frequently by the winter holidays.  A great way to relieve the stress of the college application process is to get accepted to colleges early and enjoy the rest of senior year, while maintaining grades, of course.


Universities in the tri-state area, popular with New Jersey students, that offer Early Action include NYU, Fordham, St. John’s, Pace, Marist, Hofstra, Rutgers, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Seton Hall, Montclair State, Monmouth, Penn State, Drexel, Temple, Villanova, Duquesne, St. Joseph’s, and University of Scranton.


Popular out-of-state schools offering Early Action include Northeastern, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, University of Connecticut, Fairfield, Ohio State, Case Western, University of Delaware, University of Maryland, University of Virginia

UNC – Chapel Hill, University of South Carolina, Georgia Tech, and University of Miami.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Choosing Ideal College: Academic and Social Match

When compiling a list of potential colleges, it’s ideal when students know themselves: what gives them joy and what they’re dreaming of for the future. 

When high school students have a plan for their career, the search for the ideal college becomes so much easier.  That perfect school is not necessarily the one that everyone, worldwide, is familiar with.  It’s one with a strong program in a student’s field of interest.


Students seeking a career in the lucrative field of Petroleum Engineering, for example, may want to head to Texas where Texas A & M and University of Texas at Austin top the rankings.  Those enticed by the field of Aerospace Engineering should consider Georgia Tech, Purdue University in Indiana, and Embry-Riddle in Florida.


Future business tycoons should also seek their niche.  Those passionate about International Business would do well to consider University of South Carolina and Florida International University. Those seeking a career in Supply Chain Management would secure a top education at Michigan State, Arizona State, or University of Tennessee. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

What’s an Acceptable SAT Score?

Students often ask, “What’s an acceptable SAT score?”  The answer is, “It varies greatly, depending on your aspirations, other accomplishments, and competition from your peers.”


The average SAT score for the class of 2021 was 1060, according to College Board, which administers the exam.  That was an increase of nine points from the previous year.  The challenge is that the average SAT score for schools most popular with local students is often hundreds of points higher.


Most colleges post their “middle 50” range of scores: between the 25th and 75th percentile for their last accepted class. According to the 2022 Best Colleges guide by U.S. News & World Report, the mid-range for Princeton University was 1450 to 1570.  University of Pennsylvania posted 1460 to 1570, Georgetown 1380-1550, NYU 1370 to 1540, Boston University 1310 to 1500, and Villanova 1320 to 1460.


Accepted students at the lower end of the range likely had other qualifications, such as being a legacy student (with an alumni parent), an athlete (being recruited by a coach), or a first-generation student to be seeking a college education.

Monday, September 19, 2022

High School AP Course Alternatives

If last year’s numbers are any indication, some three million students will be taking five million Advanced Placement (AP) exams this spring.  These three-hour exams, offered in May of each year, mark the culmination of college-level courses which are currently offered at 88% of public high schools in the United States.  The curriculum for each course is written by College Board – the same folks responsible for the SAT – and students who score 3 or higher (on a scale of 1 to 5) are offered college credits by many of the nation’s colleges and universities.

Parents and students often ask, “Are AP courses really necessary?”  The answer is both yes and no –- depending on the student’s ambitions and college goals. When students apply to college, they are basically in competition with their peers.  Most colleges want a geographically well-rounded student body.  So, college admissions officers will compare all applicants from the same high school and favor those with the most impressive academic record based on SAT scores, GPA, and competitive course load.  While there is no college in the country that outwardly states a requirement for AP courses, students are well aware that these higher-level courses, which indicate an ability to successfully complete college-level work, are viewed most favorably by college admission staff.

Monday, September 12, 2022

2023 “Best Colleges” Rankings Revealed

The 2023 issue of U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Colleges” – often viewed as the Bible to the college industry – has now been released.  New Jersey’s Princeton University is still in first place (for the 12th consecutive year) as the “Best National University.”  It’s followed by M.I.T. (2nd), Harvard, Stanford, and Yale (tied for 3rd), University of Chicago (6th), Johns Hopkins and University of Pennsylvania (tied for 7th), California Institute of Technology (9th), and Duke and Northwestern (tied for 10th).

While a college’s overall ranking may be of interest, the best use of rankings, for most students, is to identify the specific criteria that are important to them.  In the U.S. News rankings, for example, each school is rated on its average freshmen retention rate.  This is the percent of freshmen that return to the college for their sophomore year, indicating a level of happiness or satisfaction with their college.  The top 25 national universities typically report first-year student retention rates of 97% to 99%.


Another category lists the percent of classes with fewer than 20 students, and another lists the percent of classes with 50 or more students.  A popular New Jersey college with small classes is The College of New Jersey which seldom, if ever, hosts a class in excess of 50 students with most classes seating fewer than 25 students.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Applying “Test Optional” in 2022

What do the eight Ivy League schools have in common with M.I.T., Stanford, Duke, Northwestern, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, Georgetown, Carnegie Mellon, Notre Dame, Johns Hopkins, and University of Southern California? Yes, they are all extremely competitive institutions. They are also “test optional,” meaning students are not required to submit SAT (or ACT) scores with their applications.  But before students toss their SAT prep book, there are a few points that need to be considered. 

The term “test optional” does not mean that a college will not look at SAT or ACT scores.  It just means that test scores are not required.  It’s notable that some colleges reporting to be test optional actually ask students, on their application, why they are not submitting test scores.


Applicants who submit impressive SAT or ACT scores obviously stand out. Those who don’t, and hope to gain admission to an elite university, need to have stellar grades in an extremely rigorous curriculum (perhaps 10 to 15 AP courses) and a remarkable “passion project.” One of my former students, for example, developed a medical app that was featured at a White House Science Fair.  She was accepted to MIT and seven Ivy League Institutions.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Lessons Learned from Successful College Applicants

By observing students in the high school class of 2023 preparing to submit their college applications, there are many lessons to be learned by those who will be following in their footsteps. 

Don’t procrastinate.  Since students are allowed to submit their highest SAT test scores on college applications, those who started taking the test early in their high school years enjoyed a significant advantage. Even though many colleges went “test optional,” they will obviously admit – and award scholarship money to – the most impressive applicants.


Identify a “passion project.” Colleges are not seeking Renaissance people who are mediocre at a multitude of activities. They are attracted to students who demonstrate expertise in a specific activity, in any field. Students should identify their field of passion, and then aim for an impressive accomplishment. Students I’ve recently worked with, who have gained acceptance to elite universities, highlighted passion projects such as creating an award-winning app, interning at a prestigious medical lab, and becoming accomplished on the French horn.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

New Jersey Students’ Favorite Colleges

New Jersey is known for its “brain drain” – with about 30,000 high school graduates heading out of state for college each year, leaving behind about 25,000 to attend in-state colleges and universities, according to Federal data. 

Where do migrating students go? The Chronicle of Higher Education found that the majority of students are attracted to schools in nearby states. The University of Delaware is always high on the list. In neighboring Pennsylvania, students are attracted to a host of universities: Penn State, Drexel, Villanova, Temple, St. Joseph’s, and Lehigh.  


New York is also a popular college destination, with New Jersey students particularly attracted to New York University (NYU) and Syracuse University.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

College Tuition Discount Opportunities

The fact that more than 40 million former college students are deep in debt – averaging about $37,000 each – is well publicized.  But this does not need to be the future of high school students seeking to choose a college for the next step of their academic journey.  The key is to do careful research ahead of time, and identify the affordable options available, in order to make a wise financial decision. 

Drexel University, based in Philadelphia, PA, has recently announced a 50% tuition discount for students who have earned an associate’s degree from a community college in Pennsylvania or New Jersey.  Drexel’s current tuition is $56,595.  The tuition break goes into effect in 2023, and students would have to maintain a GPA of 2.0.


Closer to home, Rutgers University reports that 71% of first-year students receive financial aid offers ranging from $500 to $65,000.  As of last year, Rutgers instituted an income-based tuition discount program.  Students from families with annual incomes of $65,000 or less are not charged for tuition or fees.  Families in the next income bracket, earning up to $80,000, pay no more than $3,000 a year. Families earning up to $100,000 pay no more than $5,000.  This program does not cover room and board, but provides an attractive option for students willing to commute to one of Rutgers’ campuses in New Brunswick, Newark or Camden.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Valuable Role of a Private College Counselor

High school guidance counselors are the first resource of college bound students who need advice on so many topics:  how to prepare for the PSAT and SAT, how to identify best-fit colleges, how to assess the likelihood of being accepted by a particular college, how to write an effective essay, and how to file successful college applications.  

While high school counselors typically address all these issues with college bound students, they are often stretched very thin. The average student-to-counselor ratio in New Jersey is 337 to 1, according to the latest statistics of the American School Counselor Association.  (The national average is 470 to 1.) To make matters worse, public high school counselors, with a multitude of other responsibilities, reportedly spend only 23% of their time on college admission counseling with the average student receiving 38 minutes of personal college counseling over four years.  


Students desiring more personalized attention are increasingly more likely to seek the services of an independent college advisor.  Data from the Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA) shows a 400 percent increase in the number of independent educational consultants, nationwide, since 2005.  The IECA also reported that about 26 percent of high achieving students (those who scored at least 1150 out of 1600 on the SAT) “admit” to hiring a private college consultant. Many families choose to keep this assistance a private matter.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Inflation Is Hiking College Tuition Costs

College tuition has joined the list of expenses that are rising and attributed to inflation. 

Many colleges kept their tuition flat over the past couple of years as the world of academia struggled through COVID, closing dorms and resorting to remote learning.  But with inflation at a 40 year high, colleges are joining the long list of entities that are passing on their increased cost of doing business.  


According to statistics provided by Money, Penn State trustees approved a 5% tuition increase for in-state students at its flagship campus – University Park – to go into effect this fall. Boston University approved a 4.25% tuition hike, its largest in 14 years. Syracuse University voted in a 4.5% tuition increase, and University of Southern California (USC) raised its tuition by 5%.


Even at colleges where tuition is remaining stable, students and parents may feel the economic pinch.  Student fees may increase significantly at state universities which are subject to a tuition cap. Also, out-of-state, international, and graduate students may face a tuition hike, even at universities with in-state tuition caps.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Strategies to Score High on August and Future SATs


Students planning to take the August 27th SAT exam, or a PSAT or SAT exam in the fall, should go into the test with knowledge of the key strategies so they can reach their potential on these all-important tests.  Many top public high schools in Central New Jersey report average SAT scores above 600 in both Evidence-based Reading & Writing and Math. A couple of high schools even reached or topped 1500 for combined scores. So the bar is set high for local students.

The current SAT exam focuses on three areas: critical reading, grammar, and math. A key strategy, that is relevant on all areas of the test, is for students to answer each question (even if it’s a guess) as there’s not a penalty for wrong answers. 

On the reading section, students should pay extra attention to the “duo” questions where two points are at stake. One question asks about an aspect of the passage, and the following question asks which lines in the passage support the answer.  It’s often easier to do the second question first, and then back into the first question.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Identify and Get Accepted to Your Ideal College


Students in search of the perfect college all have a couple of criteria in common.  They want a college that offers a great program in their major of choice that will put them on track for a well paying career.  They also want a college to which they can likely gain admission. 

There are many tools that students can use to identify colleges that offer a strong program in their chosen field.  U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Colleges,” for example, lists the colleges and universities with the most reputable programs in various areas of business: Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Insurance/Risk Management, International Business, Management, Marketing, and others. It does the same for various areas of engineering: Aeronautical, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, and more. There are also a host of websites that list the top colleges for a gamut of other fields.  

Friday, July 8, 2022

Organized Timeline To Maximize Student Success

As parents and students plan for a new school year, it’s important to realize that having a carefully organized timeline can help avoid the stress of an anxiety-filled year.

A student’s path to success actually starts during the early part of freshman year. Colleges admire students who show longevity in their activities, so the sooner students identify their clubs, sports, volunteer work, or other activities of passion, the longer they have to build a track record of accomplishments.  Freshman year is the perfect time to take on a new musical instrument or sport that might make a student particularly attractive to colleges.  A demonstrated commitment to volunteer work could earn a 50% to 100% tuition scholarship to The College of New Jersey which seeks “Bonner Community Scholars” and expects 300 volunteer hours each college year.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Ivy League Schools versus Public Ivies

When considering the most prestigious colleges in the United States, the eight Ivy League schools, all located in the northeast, most often come to mind. The first of these elite schools was Harvard, founded in 1636, with Yale following in 1702.  Five more of these institutions were established in the mid-1700’s (University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Brown, Columbia and Dartmouth) while Cornell was founded in 1865.

But the term Ivy League wasn’t coined until 1954 when the NCAA athletic conference for Division I was formed.  Since then, these elite schools have certainly maintained their athletic rivalries. But a sense of academic competitiveness thrives as well, with many of these institutions claiming bragging rights for the number of U.S. presidents they’ve educated.  Harvard: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush, Barack Obama. Yale: William Howard Taft, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush. Columbia: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Barack Obama. Princeton: James Madison, Woodrow Wilson. University of Pennsylvania: William Henry Harrison, Donald Trump. (Several presidents attended more than one school.)

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Five Strategies to Save Thousands on College

When talking about college debt, the statistics are never encouraging. In fact, the story gets sadder each year.  The average recent college graduate has amassed a debt exceeding $37,000 and joins the ranks of 43 million borrowers who collectively owe $1.76 trillion in education debt. The key is to avoid being a part of this grim statistic by considering some highly effective strategies.

1) When choosing potential colleges, high school students should not necessarily reach for the stars – unless it’s to a college with an impressive endowment. Students will find that if they apply to a college a tier below the level of school to which they could likely get accepted, the scholarship money will almost certainly be much greater.  Students planning to major in business, for example, often seek to gain acceptance to NYU’s Stern School of Business where the cost hovers around $76,000 a year. These same students could reasonably expect to be welcomed at St. John’s University in New York, St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, and a host of other institutions with impressive business schools, substantially lower costs of attendance, and generous merit money (to attract strong students) which does not get paid back.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Parents Role in the College Application Process

Parents walk a fine line when it comes to their children and college applications.  Getting too involved will earn the title of “helicopter parent.”  Leaving everything to the student and hoping for the best – well that’s quite risky! There is a healthy middle ground. The ideal role for parents is to help with research, provide informational opportunities, and handle the financials.

Often students feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start the college process, so parents should help identify colleges that may be an ideal match.  The best way to start is by discussing what major might be of interest. Many students don’t know exactly what career they want to pursue, but they will likely know whether or not they are interested in science, business, engineering, education, or the arts, for example.  This knowledge alone will help to narrow down the research process. Together, parents and students can look up potential majors in College Board’s Book of Majors. Or they can visit which will identify every college that offers each major, as well as the average cost of attending the school and the average salary of its graduates in each particular field.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Six Years Is The New Four, College Students Sadly Find Out

“What is your four-year graduation rate?” This may be one of the most important questions that college-bound students and their parents can ask when considering a potential college.  The failure to graduate students in four years has become so commonplace that even U.S. News & World Report, in its highly regarded 2022 “Best Colleges” guide, reports the six-year graduation rate of colleges throughout the country.

Sometimes there’s a good reason for students to take six years to earn a degree.  Perhaps they switched majors and many of their credits did not carry over to their new course of study. On the other hand, perhaps it was out of their control.  Maybe some of their required courses were not readily available, requiring a longer than expected college stay in order to meet graduation requirements.  Either way, students and parents who are budgeting for a college diploma need to know, in advance, whether to multiply the annual cost of attendance (including tuition, room, board, books and fees) by four or by six!

“Even after six years, less than 60% of students at 4-year colleges have earned a Bachelor’s degree. The track record for community colleges is even worse, with less than 20% of community college students earning an Associate’s degree or Certificate,” according to a Forbes article drawing statistics from the book, Who Graduates from College? Who Doesn’t?

Friday, May 27, 2022

Six Strategies for Filing Successful Applications (Part 2 of Column Series)

In last week’s column, the first three strategies were enumerated on how to construct impressive college applications.  The advice was to write an impressive essay, personalize each application, and be sure to cover the basics with a solid GPA and notable SAT scores. This week’s column continues with three additional strategies for increasing the likelihood of getting a “You’re Accepted” letter or email from your colleges of choice.

4) Start constructing a resume early in your high school years so you will have time to fill in the gaps that become evident when you list your life experiences on paper.  You’ll want to be sure to have a category for volunteer work.  Colleges offer limitless opportunities for students to engage in volunteer work, and they know that students who have demonstrated a long-term commitment to helping others during their high school years are much more likely to be altruists during their college years. It’s also ideal to have a “passion project” to highlight on your resume.  Have you launched a business, initiated a profitable charitable drive, written and published a book, hosted an art exhibition, or developed an impressive skill or talent? Colleges are seeking a well-rounded student body comprised of students who have varying attributes.  Those who develop an impressive resume over the course of their high school years have a powerful tool to include on their college applications.

Six Strategies for Filing Successful Applications

It’s not a secret that it takes considerable time and effort to compose effective college applications, so there’s no better time than the present for college bound students to embark on the journey. Here are some tips to get started:

1) Write an impressive essay.  Most students start out with the Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 colleges.  It requires one essay between 250-650 words in length.  Students need to think of something they want to share with the college admission people that wouldn’t otherwise come across in their application.  The goal of an effective college essay is to show insight into one’s admirable character, a sense of direction for the future, and a thirst for knowledge and opportunities in the next stage of life. It has already been announced that the Common Application essay prompts for 2022-2023 are the same as those for the current year, with the addition of a new one about gratitude.  So students can get to work early, writing and fine-tuning an essay that they are proud of.

2) Personalize each application.  Every college is greatly concerned with its “yield” — the percent of accepted students who actually enroll. So a great strategy to actually gain acceptance is to convince the school that you will almost certainly attend if given the opportunity to do so. If at all possible, visit any college to which you are applying, sign in so the college has a record of your visit, and take notes of the college’s specific qualities that make it so appealing. On each application, clearly express the reasons the particular school is a great fit.  Does it offer impressive internships or have a high acceptance rate to med school? Does it host a study abroad program in a particular country that would benefit your academic interests?  Let each college know the specifics as to why it’s a perfect match, since a show of “demonstrated interest” greatly increases the chances of getting on the accepted list.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Secrets of Getting a “You’re Accepted!” Letter


An “Education Life” supplement published by the New York Times featured a cover stating, “Admissions is unfair:  Here’s why.”  Surrounding the cynical title were clues as to the criteria that might swing a college applicant to the acceptance or rejection pile. 

Before slumping into a depression, college bound students should take comfort from the fact that the vast majority of colleges accept at least half of their applicants.  Some accept many more.  U.S. News & World Report lists 100 colleges and universities that, in recent years, have accepted between 96% and 100% of applicants.  

It’s the world-famous institutions that, each year, collectively reject hundreds of thousands of students.  According to U.S. News & World Report, the acceptance rate for the Fall 2021 freshman class was 11% at Cornell University and lower at all the other Ivy League schools as well as at Stanford, M.I.T., University of Chicago, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and California Institute of Technology.

What college bound students need to do, therefore, is be aware of the criteria that college admissions officers are taking under careful consideration. Some of these benchmarks are outside a student’s control.  Many of the top colleges favor “legacy” students – those with an alumni parent.  Many colleges give preference to  “first generation” students – those whose parents do not have a college education.  Many colleges value geographical diversity – seeking a freshmen class that represents all 50 states and as many foreign countries as possible.  If students can use any of these criteria to their benefit, they should highlight the information on their applications.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

High School Students’ College Resume

What’s the best way to make sure college admissions officers know about all your accomplishments?  Compose a resume.  That way, you don’t have to worry about fitting the important details of your activities and achievements on the limited space allocated on most college applications.  

The best time to first compose a resume is early in your high school years. Then you will have time to fill in the gaps that become evident when you put your life story in print.  Resume categories typically include Education (listing your G.P.A., SAT scores, AP courses, and other academic accomplishments), Athletic accolades, Volunteer activities, Work experience, Extracurricular involvement, and, hopefully, details of a “passion project” where you engaged in an activity that demonstrates a talent or interest not common among your peers which will ultimately help you stand out to college admissions officers.

Not every student needs to feature every category on a resume.  Athletes, musicians, and others involved in a time-consuming activity may not have the opportunity to take on a paid job.  Students with after-school family or work responsibilities may not have the liberty of engaging in extracurricular activities.  But all students should be able to account for how they spend their out-of-school hours – hopefully developing a passion or talent that colleges will want them to bring to their campus.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Still Time to Apply to Colleges for Fall 2022

The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) has released a list of colleges that still have room for students seeking admission for the upcoming fall semester. May 1st is the national response deadline for most colleges in the U.S. By that date, students must choose the college they will be attending in the fall and pay a deposit. Since most students apply to a multitude of colleges, it’s impossible for colleges to know for sure how many students will actually enroll until the reply deadline rolls around.  After the response deadline, colleges that have not met their target enrollment are anxious to accept additional students in order to bring in the tuition money necessary to keep on budget.  

Often, even well-qualified students are not accepted to the college of their dreams.  Other times, students change their minds.  As the time to leave home for college approaches, students sometimes wish they had chosen a school closer to home.  Some students fall prey to basic procrastination and find themselves approaching high school graduation without a plan for the fall.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Temptation to Over-Emphasize College Statistics

Many high schools, at this time of year, are announcing where their seniors will be heading off to college.  But a New York Times article warned students not to be misled.  The reasons students ultimately choose to attend a particular college are complex.  Often, they revolve around money: some colleges may not offer a family sufficient need-based financial aid, others may provide more or less “merit aid,” rewarding students on their grades, SAT scores, and accomplishments. 

The truth of the matter is that no one knows in advance exactly which students will get accepted to any particular college.  There’s plenty of data providing students with an indication of their likely success, but often that information is misleading.

Even when a high school’s list includes all colleges to which students have been accepted, not just the ones they will be attending, the data needs to be considered in context.  It will not indicate, for example, if a student was admitted to a prestigious university as an athletic recruit, or as a legacy student (with alumni parents). Perhaps an applicant was given priority because he/she is a first generational student to seek a college education.

Monday, April 25, 2022

New Jersey Average SAT Scores Released

Local students find that the bar is set high when it comes to the SAT exam.  While the national average SAT score is 1060, the average for New Jersey students stands at 1117, with Reading/Writing scores slightly higher than those for Math.

Locally, SAT scores are substantially higher than both the state and national average with Princeton High School at 1334, Montgomery High School at 1327, Bridgewater/Raritan High School at 1258 and Hillsborough High School at 1249.  Since college admissions officers compare students to peers from their specific high school, many feel the pressure to excel.

A popular time for students to take the SAT is late August. This summer exam is being offered for the sixth consecutive year after being eliminated back in the 1970’s. Students often view summer as the perfect opportunity to prepare for the exam without the pressures of school, homework, and after school activities.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

May 1st College Decision Day Is Fast Approaching

April 1st has passed. That’s the deadline day for most colleges to let students know whether or not they’ve been accepted.  Now the ball is in the student’s court!  Many students find themselves with a pile of acceptance letters.  How should they make this pivotal decision?

First of all, remember the purpose of college.  It’s certainly intended to make students more educated, in general, and more aware of the world and the issues surrounding them.  But, more pragmatically, most students attend college with the goal of preparing for a career that will support them for the rest of their lives.  So, the best choice college is often the one with the strongest program in a student’s intended field of study. 

When deciding between several colleges, students should seek some key information from each. What percent of students with one’s chosen major are employed or attending graduate school within six months of graduation? What is the median salary, one year after graduation, of students with one’s chosen major? What is the college’s acceptance rate to medical or law school (if that is a future goal)?

Sunday, April 10, 2022

College Admissions Officers Favor Specialization

The highly acclaimed book, Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell, famously proclaims that it takes 10,000 hours to gain mastery of a skill.  While children don’t have that kind of time to devote to a favorite activity, the premise is certainly thought-provoking.

When parents choose activities for young children, they often seek a well-rounded schedule balanced by sports, music lessons, and an academic activity such as coding or math club.  Early exposure to a wide range of activities is ideal in order for children to identify their natural talents and areas of interest.  But once that’s been determined, a popular school of thought recommends specialization. 

Specialization means choosing an activity where one is committed to putting in the effort required to becoming as proficient as possible. It’s a concept strongly recommended by Dr. Kuman Mehta, author of The Exceptionals: How the Best Become the Best & How You Can Too.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

“Test Optional” College Facts In 2022

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently announced that applicants must once again must submit SAT or ACT scores. MIT joins a roster of colleges that have now rescinded their temporary “test optional” policy, including the public universities in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina which are often favorites of New Jersey students. 

Test optional means that SAT or ACT scores are not required of applicants.  It does not mean that they are not important. All colleges will look at test scores, if submitted, with the exception of a limited number of schools that are “test blind,” most notably the University of California.   

The reason so many colleges went test optional for the high school graduating class of 2021 was that COVID caused the mass cancellation of SAT exams.  It was important for colleges to attract as many applicants as possible, so they could be as selective as ever when choosing who to admit or deny. 

It’s important for college bound students to recognize that submitting SAT or ACT scores routinely increases their chances of being admitted to college, receiving more scholarship money, and placing out of remedial and introductory courses -- even at test-optional universities.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Strategies for Financing Your Child’s College Education

Parents hoping for any kind of need-based financial aid need to file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).  The FAFSA goes live on October 1st of each year and is filed during a child’s senior year.  The FAFSA uses tax information from two years prior. FAFSA information is shared with each college to which your child applies. When filing the FAFSA be sure to check “yes” to work study, so if the perfect opportunity presents itself, like doing research for a favorite professor, your child will be eligible to do so. (Some 300 colleges also require the CSS Profile, which is a much more intrusive financial aid form.)

Have your child apply to colleges one tier below where they can likely get accepted.  For example, NYU has a fabulous business school, STERN, but it is expensive ($75,000 +).  If your business-oriented child applies to a college one tier below NYU, he/she may get a good-sized scholarship along with a fabulous education, particularly if you identify a school that specializes in your child’s specific area of interest.  St. John’s University in NY has a fabulous program in Actuarial Science and Risk Management.  St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia is known for its business program in food services. Penn State excels at Supply Chain Management. 

Have your child visit the high school guidance office which has applications for all local scholarships.

Parents and students should touch base with all organizations with which they are affiliated (religious organizations, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4H, and so on) to inquire about scholarships.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

10 Tips for Impressive College Applications: Part 2

Part 1 of this column listed five of ten tips for filing impressive college applications. Students were urged to: clearly express to each college why it’s a great fit, earn a top GPA (while taking an impressive course load) and post impressive SAT scores, write a resume to include on college apps, develop a “passion project,” and engage in volunteer work.  Additional tips include:

6) Write an impressive essay.  Most students start out with the Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 colleges. It requires one essay between 250-650 words in length.  The goal of an effective college essay is to show insight into one’s admirable character, a sense of direction for the future, and a thirst for knowledge and opportunities in the next stage of life.

7) Recognize that “optional” really isn’t optional. If colleges ask for something – even if they say it’s optional – do it, and do it to the best of your ability.  This comes up frequently in the form of supplemental essay questions.  Realize that other applicants – your competitors – will be doing everything requested by the colleges, and you don’t want to be at a disadvantage. 

10 Tips for Impressive College Applications: Part 1

1) Know why you are applying to each specific college, and clearly express those reasons. Does the college have a great program for your intended major? Does it offer impressive internships, or have a high acceptance rate to med school? Does it host a study abroad program in a particular country that would benefit your academic interests?  Let each college know the specifics as to why it’s a great fit, as colleges strongly favor applicants whom they believe will attend their school, if accepted.

2) Cover the basics – which means earning a great GPA while taking a competitive course load and posting impressive SAT scores.  Many high schools in New Jersey offer twenty or more AP courses, and colleges consider how competitive a course load you took based on the options you were provided.  As for SAT scores, the “average” SAT score at several New Jersey high schools, including Montgomery, Princeton and West Windsor-Plainsboro North and South, all topped 1,300.  So the bar is set high for students who want to stand out among their peers.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Match Your Passions with College Program

College-bound students often choose their college major based on fields that are popular at the time and offer promise of a rewarding career. These days, business and STEM-related fields seem to top the list. But students should also consider the activities that bring them joy, as the pastimes that they engage in for recreation and relaxation can often lead to rewarding careers.  

Students who love drawing – and are talented in the field – have several options for turning this passion into a profession.  If they also are attracted to the sciences, a career as a Medical Illustrator may be enticing.  A bachelor’s degree in this field is offered at Rowan University (NJ), Arcadia University (PA), Rochester Institute of Technology (NY) and Cleveland Institute of Art (OH).  Other illustration options include a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cartooning from The School of Visual Arts, and fashion-related programs at the Fashion Institute of Technology, both located in Manhattan.  The renown Rhode Island School of Design offers courses in Editorial Illustration, Journalistic Illustration, and Sci-Fi & Fantasy Illustration.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Rutgers Free or Reduced Tuition for Many Students

Rutgers University has announced a new program, Scarlet Guarantee, that will be available to students effective the fall of 2022. It will allow students at the University’s flagship campus in New Brunswick-Piscataway to attend college tuition-free if their families earn less than $65,000 annually.  Furthermore, tuition will be significantly decreased for families that earn less than $100,000 annually.  Students will be billed no more than $3,000 for tuition and fees if their families earn between $65,000 and $80,000 annually, and no more than $5,000 if earning between $80,000 and $100,000.  The program does not cover the costs of room and board, books, or transportation.

While tuition has not yet been determined for the 2022-2023 academic year, current in-state tuition and fees for undergraduates on the New Brunswick-Piscataway campus average $15,804.  

Students utilizing the Scarlet Guarantee must be undergraduates in their first four years of college. Those who take longer than four years to complete their degree, even if they are in programs such as the six-year pharmacy degree, will not be guaranteed the reduced tuition after four years.  Also, students must maintain a minimum grade point average.