Wednesday, March 9, 2022

10 Tips for Impressive College Applications: Part 1

1) Know why you are applying to each specific college, and clearly express those reasons. Does the college have a great program for your intended major? Does it offer impressive internships, or have a high acceptance rate to med school? Does it host a study abroad program in a particular country that would benefit your academic interests?  Let each college know the specifics as to why it’s a great fit, as colleges strongly favor applicants whom they believe will attend their school, if accepted.

2) Cover the basics – which means earning a great GPA while taking a competitive course load and posting impressive SAT scores.  Many high schools in New Jersey offer twenty or more AP courses, and colleges consider how competitive a course load you took based on the options you were provided.  As for SAT scores, the “average” SAT score at several New Jersey high schools, including Montgomery, Princeton and West Windsor-Plainsboro North and South, all topped 1,300.  So the bar is set high for students who want to stand out among their peers.

3) Write a resume, early in your high school years, so you will have time to fill in the gaps that become evident when you put your life story in writing.  A resume will later be an effective tool for sharing your activities and accomplishments without worrying about the limited space allocated for this purpose on most college applications.  

 4) Have a “passion project” – something you are particularly great at and can bring with you to enhance a college community.  Have you launched a business, initiated a profitable charitable drive, written and published a book, hosted an art exhibition, or developed an impressive skill or talent? Colleges are seeking a well-rounded student body comprised of students who have varying attributes.

5) Engage in volunteer work.  Colleges favor students who have demonstrated awareness of, and empathy for, the local and global community.  Colleges offer limitless opportunities for students to engage in volunteer work in almost every area of life on the local, national and international arena.  Students who have demonstrated a long-term commitment to helping others during their high school years are much more likely to be altruists during their college years.

By demonstrating a sincere interest in each individual college, having the grades and SAT scores expected of their students, and sharing an impressive array of volunteer work, activities, and unique talents, students will have the greatest chance of getting a “you’re accepted” letter (or email) to the college of their choice.

Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit or call 908-369-5362

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