Wednesday, March 9, 2022

10 Tips for Impressive College Applications: Part 2

Part 1 of this column listed five of ten tips for filing impressive college applications. Students were urged to: clearly express to each college why it’s a great fit, earn a top GPA (while taking an impressive course load) and post impressive SAT scores, write a resume to include on college apps, develop a “passion project,” and engage in volunteer work.  Additional tips include:

6) Write an impressive essay.  Most students start out with the Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 colleges. It requires one essay between 250-650 words in length.  The goal of an effective college essay is to show insight into one’s admirable character, a sense of direction for the future, and a thirst for knowledge and opportunities in the next stage of life.

7) Recognize that “optional” really isn’t optional. If colleges ask for something – even if they say it’s optional – do it, and do it to the best of your ability.  This comes up frequently in the form of supplemental essay questions.  Realize that other applicants – your competitors – will be doing everything requested by the colleges, and you don’t want to be at a disadvantage. 

8) Get the advantage of doing things “early.”  If you have one top college, applying “early decision” is likely to greatly increase your odds of being accepted.  For all other colleges on your list, applying “early action” (if offered) will get your application reviewed early and get you an early response – often by the time winter break rolls around.  

9) Personalize each application.  Every college is greatly concerned with its “yield” — the percent of accepted students who actually enroll. So, the best strategy is to show “demonstrated interest.”  If possible, visit every college to which you are applying, sign in so there’s a record of your visit, and take notes of the college’s specific qualities that make it so appealing. At the end of each college application essay, include a paragraph stating specifically why that particular college is the ideal one for you.

10) Do the interview.  If given the opportunity to meet with an admissions officer, or representative of the school, be sure to do so and be prepared.  You will almost certainly be asked why you want to attend, or what specifically attracts you to the school.  Have a specific, strong answer.  Having a friend who attends, or the fact that the campus is pretty, will not suffice.   Also, be prepared to ask a question or two. A former assistant dean of admissions at Princeton and UPenn said, “it tells me a lot about the student, not much of it good, when the applicant has absolutely no questions to ask.”   

Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit or call 908-369-5362

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