An “Education Life” supplement published by the New York Times featured a cover stating, “Admissions is unfair: Here’s why.” Surrounding the cynical title were clues as to the criteria that might swing a college applicant to the acceptance or rejection pile.
Before slumping into a depression, college bound students should take comfort from the fact that the vast majority of colleges accept at least half of their applicants. Some accept many more. U.S. News & World Report lists 100 colleges and universities that, in recent years, have accepted between 96% and 100% of applicants.
It’s the world-famous institutions that, each year, collectively reject hundreds of thousands of students. According to U.S. News & World Report, the acceptance rate for the Fall 2021 freshman class was 11% at Cornell University and lower at all the other Ivy League schools as well as at Stanford, M.I.T., University of Chicago, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and California Institute of Technology.
What college bound students need to do, therefore, is be aware of the criteria that college admissions officers are taking under careful consideration. Some of these benchmarks are outside a student’s control. Many of the top colleges favor “legacy” students – those with an alumni parent. Many colleges give preference to “first generation” students – those whose parents do not have a college education. Many colleges value geographical diversity – seeking a freshmen class that represents all 50 states and as many foreign countries as possible. If students can use any of these criteria to their benefit, they should highlight the information on their applications.
Of course, high school grades, the rigor of a student’s course load, and SAT/ACT scores still carry the most weight in the admissions process. Also of key importance, and a criteria that students can control, is “demonstrated interest.” Colleges recognize that most students apply to several institutions, and they assess the likelihood that a student, if accepted, will actually enroll at their school. The strongest expression of demonstrated interest is for a student to apply “early decision” to a college. This assures the college that, if accepted, the student will actually enroll. Colleges also look favorably on students who interact with them in a number of ways: campus visits, contact with an admissions officer, response to an email.
It’s important for students to go into the college application process with their eyes wide open, aware of the assets that they can use to their benefit and diligent enough to present themselves in the best possible light.
Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit CollegeboundReview.com or call 908-369-5362
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