Students who are anxiously filling out college applications may do well to consider applying Early Decision (ED) to their college of choice. Students who check off “early decision” on their college application and submit it by the application deadline (usually November 1st or November 15th) will typically hear back from the college prior to the December holiday break. Students are only allowed to apply early decision to one college, and they (and their parents) sign that they will definitely attend if accepted, unless they are not awarded their required financial aid.
Students who are hesitant to make such a big commitment can apply Early Action to as many colleges as they like and, if accepted, they are not required to attend. They, too, must meet the “early” November deadline.
Colleges have long been motivated to favor early decision applicants because they increase the school’s “yield” -- the percent of accepted students who actually enroll. Colleges are, in large part, ranked by their yield in highly regarded publications such as U. S. News & World Report’s “Best Colleges.”The reason so many students choose to apply to their top college ED is that the difference in acceptance rate can be startling. The acceptance rate for ED students is about three times higher at several Ivy League schools than that for regular applicants. The latest statistics at niche.com showed that Brown University accepted 22% of ED applicants, compared to 7% of regular applicants. At Dartmouth College the ratio was 26% ED to 8% regular. The University of Pennsylvania showed 23% ED to 8% regular, and Cornell University reported 27% ED to 11% regular.
Even at colleges and universities a tier below the Ivies, the difference in acceptance rate is remarkable. Duke University reportedly accepted 24% of ED applicants vs. 8% of regular. Statistics at Barnard College are 35% ED to 12% regular. At Amherst College it’s 40% ED to 11% regular, and Williams College reports 40% ED to 13% regular. NYU numbers indicate a 30% ED acceptance rate to 16% regular, while Lehigh reports 60% ED acceptance to 32% regular and American University shows 85% ED acceptance to 36% regular.
College applications are clearly one category where procrastination does not pay off!
Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit CollegeboundReview.com or call 908-369-5362
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