Students planning to take a PSAT or SAT exam in the fall should go into the test with knowledge of the key strategies so they can reach their potential on these all-important tests. Many top public high schools in Central New Jersey report average SAT scores above 600 in both Evidence-based Reading & Writing and Math. A couple of high schools even reached or topped 1500 for combined scores. So the bar is set high for local students.
The current SAT exam focuses on three areas: critical reading, grammar, and math. A key strategy, that is relevant on all areas of the test, is for students to answer each and every question (whether or not they know the correct answer) as there is no longer a penalty for wrong answers.
On the reading section, students should pay extra attention to the “duo” questions where two points are at stake. One question asks about an aspect of the passage, and the following question asks which lines in the passage support the answer. It’s often easier to do the second question first, and then back into the first question.
Students should likewise carefully consider the “vocabulary in context” questions where they choose a word that most closely resembles the meaning of a word included in the story. For example, students may need to choose a word to replace “leave” with the options being “retire,” “evacuate,” “vacate,” or “depart.” Students need to carefully consider the context of the sentence as these words may have similar meanings, but they are not interchangeable.
On the grammar section that is titled, “Writing and Language,” it’s vital that students know the proper use of the comma, semi-colon, colon, and hyphen. It’s also important for students to examine each sentence for correct tense, agreement and parallel sentence structure.
On the two math sections, one that allows the use of a calculator and one that does not, students should use their test booklet as scrap paper and remember to refer to the box of math formulas that is provided on the direction page. The math questions increase in difficulty from easy to hard, on both the multiple-choice and open-ended questions, so students should solve the easier questions first and then use their remaining time to work on the harder questions. The same amount of credit is awarded for each correct answer, regardless of the difficulty of the question.
Students will be happy to know that the optional essay at the end of the SAT has been eliminated.
The best overall strategy is to prepare, well in advance of test day, with actual College Board written tests in order to be proficient in the material tested and knowledgeable of the directions for each test section.
To download a free Strategy Guide, with detailed advice and examples for each test section, visit CollegeboundReview.com
Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit CollegeboundReview.com or call 908-369-5362
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