Monday, October 19, 2020

Tips To Know If Choosing The ACT Over The SAT Exam

As they struggle with test centers closing and exams being cancelled, some high school students are finding themselves taking the ACT instead of the SAT. It’s important to note that all colleges accept either SAT or ACT scores on their applications, and no college requires both.

Students tend to favor the SAT over the ACT, as the SAT mirrors the PSAT which many high school students take as sophomores and almost all take as juniors when it counts as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Exam. The SAT and ACT have many similarities, but there are also distinct differences that students should be aware of in advance of their test date.

Just like the SAT, the ACT has one Reading section and one English section (although it’s called “Writing and Language” on the SAT).  The main difference is that the SAT has two Math sections, while the ACT has one Math and one Science section.  Both tests offer an optional essay.

One downside to the ACT is that it’s an extremely fast-paced test.  In comparison to the SAT, the ACT has 40% more questions with five minutes less time. So a very important strategy is to keep moving. Since the ACT, like the SAT, is a test that does not penalize points for incorrect answers, students should always choose an answer for each question – even it it’s just a guess.

With the exception of the Math section, questions on the ACT do not get harder as the test progresses. Students should avoid getting stuck on any one particular question, as easy questions count just as much as hard ones. 

Since the ACT does not include a box of formulas at the beginning of the Math section, like the SAT does, it’s important for students to memorize the common formulas learned in Geometry and Algebra II.

The ACT, like the SAT, ends with an optional essay. Even though it’s not a required section, it’s a good idea for students to write the essay. Many of the more competitive colleges accept the ACT (and the SAT) only if the essay is included, so it’s wise for students to not limit their options.

Upcoming SAT exams will take place on November 7th and December 5th, while an upcoming ACT exam (besides the one scheduled for this weekend) is planned for December 12th.

Susan Alaimo is the founder of Collegebound Review. For the past 25 years, Collegebound Review's Ivy League educated tutors have prepared students for the PSAT®, SAT®, ACT®, Subject Tests®, AP courses, and all high school subjects. Visit or call 908-369-5362  

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