Sunday, September 24, 2023

Top November Break College Tour Tips


The majority of public school students in New Jersey look forward to several days off, if not the entire week, in early November. That week, which includes Election Day and Teacher Convention Days, offers an ideal opportunity for high school students to visit potential colleges.  College classes, and the activities that surround them, are in full swing. So, visiting students can get the full experience of what life would be like on any particular campus.
It’s extremely beneficial for college bound students to tour the schools, to which they plan to apply, in advance of filing applications.  Sometimes, a campus visit will end up deleting the college from a student’s list as it may not be all that was envisioned. Other times, it may move the school to the top of the list, worthy of consideration for an Early Decision (binding) application. In addition to helping students prioritize their college list, such visits can actually increase their chances of gaining admission.  Colleges carefully track student visits as a sign of demonstrated interest, and they favor students whom they believe will actually enroll if accepted.  

If parents are available during the November break, it’s an ideal time for a road trip. The majority of students attend college within five hours of home, so the trip need not be to a far-off locale.  Many students have Boston and/or Washington D.C. schools on their list of potential colleges, making these attractive locations.  Families headed to Boston may want to make stops along the way at Fairfield, Quinnipiac, University of Connecticut, University of Rhode Island, and/or Brown, as these are popular with New Jersey students. Those headed to Washington D.C. may choose to stop at the University of Delaware, Johns Hopkins, Loyola, and/or University of Maryland.
Wherever students plan to visit, they should register in advance and then sign in when they arrive. This will ensure that their visit is documented, thus helping to show demonstrated interest. Students and parents should feel free to ask any questions on their minds during the tours, as the tour leaders – all current students – offer a wealth of knowledge and experience and do not report back on anyone’s inquiries.
Students who are on their own during their November break can still put the days to great use by touring nearby campuses. More than 40,000 high school students, the majority of whom are from New Jersey, apply to Rutgers – New Brunswick each year, making that a great option to check out.  The more than two dozen other New Jersey colleges and universities offer plenty of additional tour options.

Susan Alaimo is the founder & director of Collegebound Review, offering PSAT/SAT® preparation & private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit or call 908-369-5362

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