Identifying one’s ideal college is a daunting task, with some 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. alone. Often, students and their parents rely on information from well-meaning friends and relatives. But the experiences and expectations of one family can vary greatly from that of another, with differing resources, talents, and ambitions.
The ideal way to identify “best fit” colleges is to devise a list of questions and then seek answers – hopefully over a lengthy period of time as colleges are visited and admissions officers are consulted. Productive questions may be:
Which colleges offer the strongest program in my intended major?
Do I prefer to attend a college in an urban, suburban, or rural community?
Would I be more comfortable at a small school, or would I love being immersed in a large student body?
Is my goal to attend as competitive a university as possible, or would I rather be in a less competitive environment where I could likely be a stand-out student?
Are there particular amenities that I am seeking at my college: golf course, ski slope, other sports facility, availability of a study abroad program in a particular country, access to vegan, gluten-free or kosher food, option to earn a master’s degree or teaching certification?
Once students identify what they are looking for, the next factor under consideration is often the price tag. Here it gets tricky, as many more questions arise.
A vital question to ask of college admissions officers is, “What is your four-year graduation rate?” Families may be shocked to find that the graduation rate published in guidebooks is often the six or eight-year graduation rate. There are actually some colleges, both public and private, that offer a four-year graduation guarantee. These schools promise that if students comply with all academic requirements and meet regularly with their academic advisor, all tuition and fees will be waived, after four years, for the rest of the time it takes for completion of their degree.
Additional financial questions to be addressed include the amount of need-based aid and merit scholarships that will be offered by various colleges.
As the goal of each student is to ultimately secure a well-paying job, questions should be asked regarding the percent of graduates in your major who are employed (or attending graduate school) within six months of graduation. Also inquire as to the names of companies and institutions who recruit on campus, and the starting pay of those hired.
By asking key questions and securing often eye-opening answers, the momentous “college decision” will be a well thought out conclusion.
Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review which offers PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit CollegeboundReview.com or call 908-369-5362
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