Sunday, January 16, 2022

COVID Still Impacting College Application Process

By observing students in the high school class of 2022 anxiously submitting their college applications, there are many lessons to be learned by those who will be following in their footsteps.

Don’t procrastinate. Since students are allowed to submit their highest SAT scores on college applications, those who start taking the test early in their high school years enjoy a significant advantage. Even though many colleges, in the midst of COVID, remain “test optional,” they obviously admit – and award scholarship money to -- the most impressive applicants.

Identify a “passion project.” Colleges are not seeking Renaissance people who are mediocre at a multitude of activities. They are attracted to students who demonstrate expertise in a specific activity, in any field. Students should identify their area of passion, and then aim for an impressive accomplishment. Students I’ve recently worked with, who have gained acceptance to elite universities, highlighted passion projects such as creating an award-winning app, interning at a prestigious medical lab, and becoming accomplished on the French horn.

Enroll in the highest level courses in which you are capable of achieving success.  Students are actually in competition with their peers, as colleges compare students from the same high school when deciding which are the most impressive applicants. I’ve worked with local students who have listed up to 14 AP courses on their applications, significantly raising the bar for their peers who are seeking acceptance to the same colleges. 

Engage in volunteer work.  Despite COVID, there’s an endless array of opportunities for students to demonstrate a commitment to doing good for others. offers many options, including organizing local food drives, collecting used cell phones for Medic Mobile to donate to people in developing nations, and collecting used eyeglasses for people in low income communities. A multitude of virtual volunteer research opportunities are listed on College admissions officers used to consider it a bonus to find community service work listed on an application. Now it’s an expectation, with extra points for demonstrated levels of commitment and initiative.

Research potential colleges. While many colleges are still not offering in person tours, students can engage in virtual college tours from the comfort of home and take notes on the offerings and qualities that make each school particularly appealing.  Showing “demonstrated interest” on a college application greatly enhances the chances of getting a “you’re accepted” letter or email. 

Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit or call 908-369-5362

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