Whether preparing for upcoming final exams, or SAT exams that are looming ahead, students should follow some time-honored study strategies.
First of all, students should always set a study plan in advance, and adhere to its details. Setting aside specific dates and times to study, and keeping those times sacred, is key to staying on schedule. There are absolutely no advantages to last-minute cramming, but many disadvantages including sleep deprivation and increased anxiety.
Students should have the material they are going to study easily accessible. During the course of each semester, students should put their study notes for each chapter in a specific binder, folder or notebook that can easily be accessed when the time comes to review the material. By having the key information at hand, students can focus on the most relevant material and not waste time wondering what the instructor had emphasized during the course. If the task is SAT test prep, have College Board’s Official SAT Study Guide with real practice tests on hand and schedule in advance the particular sections you will focus on during each study session.
Students should get other assignments, that will be competing for their time and attention, out of the way in advance. If a research paper is due around the same time as a major exam, by completing the paper in advance the student can focus on one major task at a time and not be distracted by competing responsibilities.
Students should seek out help as soon as it becomes obvious that help is needed. Most material is cumulative, so anytime students are struggling in one area of coursework they should immediately seek out help from the instructor, fellow classmates, or a tutor in order to get back on track before spiraling out of control. Often, once a concept is clarified, a student can successfully move on independently. Other times, a student may need reinforcement throughout the course in order to be successful. A student does not want to sit down to study for an important exam realizing that he/she has been confused about the material from early on.
When the day of the test arrives, students should exude confidence knowing they are well prepared. They should then go into “test mode,” managing their time effectively, completing the easiest questions first, taking educated guesses on any questions they do not know (as long as there is not a penalty for wrong answers), writing neatly, and double checking their work if time allows.
Good study habits are a valuable lifetime skill.
Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit CollegeboundReview.com or call 908-369-5362
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