A recent New York Times article reported that the most important factors on a student’s college application are grades, taking into account the strength of the curriculum (AP courses vs. college prep, for example), and standardized test scores (SAT or ACT). These factors provide a numerical “pecking order,” allowing colleges to easily compare applicants from the same high school as well as from schools throughout the country and even the world.
Ranking next in importance are a few “soft factors:” college essays, recommendation letters, extracurricular activities. These non-academic areas provide perfect opportunities for students to let colleges know what is special about them and how their presence on campus would enhance the college community.
The college essay provides the ideal forum for students to “sell” themselves to each individual college. Students should avoid the temptation to take the easy way out, writing one essay and using it for all applications. Rather, students should personalize their essay to each specific college, stating the programs, courses, internships, study abroad opportunities, and any other characteristics that make the institution a perfect match for their college ambitions. This is referred to as showing “demonstrated interest,” and can greatly influence admissions officers who are trying to determine which students, if accepted, would likely enroll. Of course, students should exercise care to ensure that their essays are well written, grammatically correct, and offer information that is not evident in other parts of their application.