The existence of The Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 colleges nationwide, has resulted in many high school students applying to ten or more colleges. This has significantly impacted the college admission process. Colleges and universities are all concerned with their yield – the percent of accepted students who actually enroll – as this greatly impacts their rankings. It is therefore only natural that colleges will favor applicants who display a strong interest in their school and indicate, in some way, that they will likely enroll if accepted.
The key to standing out from the hundreds, or even thousands, of other applicants with similar SAT scores and GPAs is to personalize all applications. Let colleges know exactly why you are particularly attracted to their school and the specific ways you would contribute to the campus community.
One way to personalize your application is through the essay on The Common Application. The vast majority of students write one essay which is submitted to all of their colleges. Students who want to gain the attention of admissions officers can use the body of the same essay for all of their colleges, but should personalize the last paragraph or two to explain why they are hoping the next step of their academic journey will take place at (fill in the blank) University.
Another opportunity to personalize applications is through supplemental essays, which are required by many colleges including almost all of the most competitive schools. For example, NYU’s supplemental essay states: We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study. The more specific, and convincing, an applicant can be the better the likelihood of acceptance. NYU, this past year, posted an acceptance rate of 16% -- down from 20% the previous year.
Students should also personalize their applications to reflect the special talents they will bring to the college community. The more unique the talent, the more attention it will garner from the admissions staff. While colleges typically have many applicants eager to play football, basketball or soccer, there are many fewer applicants featuring talent in synchronized ice skating, fencing, women’s golf or men’s gymnastics.
College admissions officers are particularly impressed with students who have identified an area of interest and accomplished something in that field, especially during a time of Covid restrictions. Perhaps the student has launched a business, initiated a charitable drive that donated a sizeable sum of money to a worthy cause, or taught himself/herself an impressive skill and then put it to use to benefit the community.
The more you can show a college that you are particularly attracted to their institution, and have something impressive to add to their community, the better chance you have of getting a “You’re Accepted!” letter or email.
Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of Collegebound Review that, for the past 25 years, has offered PSAT/SAT® preparation and private college advising by Ivy League educated instructors. Visit CollegeboundReview.com or call 908-369-5362
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