High school students immersed in Advanced Placement (AP) courses often wonder if the academic rigor of these courses will serve them well. The answer is a resounding “yes.” These are college level courses that offer students the opportunity to secure college credit while still in high school. There are currently 39 AP courses offered in a multitude of subjects including Art History, English Literature, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish Language and Culture, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and U.S. Government and Politics. Among the most popular AP courses are English Language and Composition, U.S. History, Psychology, and Calculus.
According to recent statistics by College Board, the company that writes the curriculum and exams for AP courses, nearly 1.2 million students in the Class of 2023 took more than 4.1 million AP exams in public high schools nationwide. New Jersey came in third place as the state with the highest percentage of students (28.6%) taking and succeeding in AP courses by earning a minimum score of 3 out of 5 on the end of year exam. New Jersey was surpassed only by Massachusetts with a 31.3% successful participation rate, and New York with a 28.9% rate.