December 1st is the last chance for students to take the SAT in 2018. The next opportunity will be March 9th, followed by the first Saturdays in May and June. These dates are important not only to high school juniors. The advice of U.S. News & World Report, whose guidebook is basically the bible to the college industry, is for students to start taking the SAT exam early in their high school years for several reasons.
First of all, students can now take the SAT as many times as they want and (most) colleges will never know how many times they have taken the test. When the time comes for students to submit their scores to colleges, they can choose their highest scores, even “super-scoring” (mixing and matching), to send the test results with the best Math score from one test and the best Reading/Writing score from another test.
Athletes who hope to continue their sport in college particularly benefit from getting early SAT scores. College coaches often want to see SAT scores before deciding whether or not they are interested in recruiting a prospective athlete.